Section 1: Key/General Information

Where can I find the rules?

What are the consequences to not following the rules?

What do people do here? What can I do?

Do I have to RP? How do I RP?

Where can I build?

Section 2: Server wipes and schedule

Was this server just wiped? When will this server wipe?

What time will the server wipe on “wipe day”?

Will I keep my blueprints after wipe?

Section 3: Using the advanced Rust Empires server features (i.e. Plugins)

Can I message someone privately in game?

Can I do advertisements?

How can I find the various zones (Claimed Land, Cities, Frontier)  in-game?

Can I remove something in/on my base without having to destroy it?

Section 4:  Clans

How can I find a clan to join?

How do I start a clan?

How do I join/leave a clan?

How do I communicate in-game to my clan-members (without spamming global chat)

How do I manage a clan?

Can I war another clan, can I raid a base?

How can my clan claim land in-game?

I’m not happy with the rules and want them changed!

Section 5: Reporting problems, managing player challenges

Who do I talk to if I’ve been illegally KOS’ed/Raided or are have been directly impacted by rule-breaking behaviour.

A troll is causing havoc on the server and there are no mods/admins online!  What can I do?

Can I be unbanned?

I’ve exhausted all options to resolve my concern with Admins and Mods, who can I escalate to?

Section 6:  Miscellaneous

How can I remove z-level display from in-game HUD? (Stats UI)

How do you guys draw those awesome signs?!?

How do I become a donor?

Section 1: Key/General Information

Where can I find the rules?

The rules and other useful information can be found sticked on the Rust Empires Subreddit

This information and much more can also be found on the Rust Empires Discord:

What are the consequences to not following the rules?

The admin and mod team have a variety of tools to monitor and react to unwanted behaviour.  Consequences range from a verbal warning all the way to being permanently banned and/or steam/eac reports where applicable.  

What do people do here? What can I do?

This server and the rust game offer many options and your imagination and the server’s rules are your only limitation.  Here are some ideas for inspiration

  • Find a place to build your “dream base” you wouldn’t dare build on Vanilla
  • Make a shoppe to sell your wares
  • Going to “no man’s land” and Blue-key/Red-Key Monuments and engage in PVP.  
  • Join a clan or even start one to engage in-game politics or work on a shared goal (within the rules).
  • Make friends, hang out in game
  • Participate in server events (Car-Races, Boat Races, Zombie Murder Spree, Purge)
  • Play out your secret (not-pervert) fantasy! (in a non-annoying way)

Being a troll, running around bases yelling and screaming all day, hitting people on the head with the rock you came onto the server with are not good options and will lead to in-game punishment (see above). Please read the rules to learn more about limitations and options.

Do I have to RP? How do I RP?

Roleplay (RP) is “encouraged” but by no means is mandatory.  Other players also do not have to play along with your RP, especially if it involves killing other players.  It is good practice to hide your “real life” identity in-game anyway therefore in a way, you’re already roleplaying.  

Where can I build?

If you’re just starting out and on your own, you can immediately build a base in the frontier portions of the map, or you could seek out a city to take up residence

  • Note:  Most towns allow building, others don’t and use a shared/rental model.
    • Seek a member of the town “clan” for rules  in-game or in discord (i.e. Town council).
  • Most cities post their rules and the names of their town council in their town hall.

If you are quick to make friends, you can also jump right into the clan scene.  Look at the recruitment section of discord to join a clan or invite others to join your newly created clan.

You should NOT setup in unclaimed space, no-man’s land, or claimed space (without permission from the owning clan) unless you are prepared to defend it from raiding.  

Section 2: Server wipes and schedule

Was this server just wiped? When will this server wipe?

Server schedule is published in the #server-schedule channel in discord:

See here: Discord

What time will the server wipe on “wipe day”?

The exact time the server will wipe is dependant on multiple factors, mainly dependant when the developers from facepunch and oxide release their code.  We cannot predict when the exact time the release will be available for us to use. For non-release wipes, the timing depends on the admin’s personal schedule and will not be guaranteed to occur at any specific time.  

Typically (and not always) wipe will occur the scheduled Thursday between 12 Noon-7PM EST.  (17:00-23:00 UTC)

Please be prepared for the possibility that a release is broken for the first night given FacePunch’s track record for release quality and testing.

Will I keep my blueprints after wipe?
After a 3 week wipe, into event week — yes, you will keep your BP’s.

After event week into the next 3 week era — no, you will not keep your BP’s

What is the purge?

The purge is a event that occurs the day before a EventWeek starting at 8PM Eastern Time, until the next wipe occurs (Usually between 4PM-8PM EST the next day).  

During the purge all rules relating to PVP, Raiding, and use of various materials are lifted until the server is shutdown for wipe.  All players are permitted to cause havoc on anything the game allows you to point a weapon at using normal game mechanics.

All other rules relating to Griefing, Trolling, use of racist/sexist language/imagery, exploits/hacks and “not being a dick” are still strictly enforced and carry the same consequences as a normal day.

Note: Admins are also permitted to participate in the purge but have roles temporarily removed for the event.

Section 3: Using the advanced Rust Empires server features (i.e. Mods)

Can I message someone privately in game?

You can use the in-game /pm command to send a message to someone and you can use /r to reply.  The usage is as follows.

/pm <name> <message>
/r <message> — this replies to the last person you got a pm from

For example to message a player named “Waffle House” you type

/pm “Waffle House” Top of the morning to you good sir, may I have some tasty waffles?

To reply to “Waffle house” simply type /r to reply to your most recent PM: For example

/r Why yes, you can have as many waffles as you can shove down your throat!

You may also message people directly via Discord.

Please note: Server rules apply even when communicating privately to another person in game or on the server’s discord.

Yes!  You may use the /advert command to perform announcements.  Good examples include

  • “Gun Shop Now open in Frontier!”
  • “Gladiator event being held at 8PM EST in WaffleTown”

To send an advertisement type

/advert “Message”

There is a limit to the length of your message so be concise or you’ll be cut off.

Please be polite and not spam /advert.  We would like to suggest limiting yourself to 1 advertisement every 15 minutes.  

You may also use the #community-announcement channel in Discord.

How can I find the various zones (Claimed Land, Cities, Frontier)  in-game?

This data is only available in game by using the /map command.  For your convenience, you may want to consider binding the in-game map to your “m” key on your keyboard.   To do so, press F1, choose console and then enter the following commands:

    • bind m LMUI_Control map
  • Use the Enter/Return Key
  • Test by pressing “m”
Can I remove something in/on my base without having to destroy it?

Yes!  This server offers the /remove command, but will only work if you placed the object you are looking to remove.  

Note: Use of the /remove command is throttled.  Each use of the /remove command is only available for 30 seconds and cannot be invoked for another 60 seconds.  

Note 2: At times, using the /remove command will invoke a global (server wide) throttle which can last up to 5 minutes until another player can use it.

Section 4:  Clans

How can I find a clan to join?

The recruitment channel in Discord is the place to look for recruitment announcements or to post your interest in joining a clan.   You may also see players announcing recruitment in game early in the wipe cycle.

How do I start a clan?

Type the following in chat

/clan create “tagname” “description”

For example

/clan create “WAFFLES” “The Waffle House Clan”

How do I join/leave a clan?

After you’ve been invited, you may join a clan by using the following command:

/clan join “tagname”

For example

/clan join “WAFFLES”

Leaving a clan

/clan leave

How do I communicate in-game to my clan-members (without spamming global chat)

/c message

How do I manage a clan?

For all available clan commands


Invite someone to join your clan (Clan Moderator or Owner only)

/clan invite “playername”

Promote a clan member (owners only):

/clan promote “playername”

(Promotions have 2 levels Moderator and Council)

Kick a clan member

/clan kick “playername”

Can I war another clan, can I raid a base?

Read all the rules for all details relating to raiding bases/wars.  Some additional guidance:

  • The first 48 hours after a wipe there is no war/raids at all (even twig!)
  • See the details here about warring other in-game clans. War Rules
How can my clan claim land in-game?

See the process and rules relating to claiming in-game land here: Claim Rules

I’m not happy with the rules and want them changed!

Many (not all) rules are subject to community vote.  You are encouraged to use the #suggestions channel in the server’s Discord to thoughtfully convey your idea or concern.  Whining will not be considered.

Section 5: Reporting problems, managing player challenges

Who do I talk to if I’ve been illegally KOS’ed/Raided or are have been directly impacted by rule-breaking behaviour.

First, collect all available evidence you may have.  Screenshots, witnesses if applicable, video. Note down the time and approximate location.  If you have the name of the suspected player please also record this information.

Once evidence is ready, In order of preference report the violation via these approaches.

  1. Request assistance regarding a KOS via in-game chat once.  
    1. For example:  “Admins – I’d like to report a KOS please.”
    2. Admins will reach out to you directly at their method of choosing if available
  2. If you do not contacted within 3 minutes Request assistance again via in-game chat
  3. If no one has responded, go into discord and tag @admins and explain what is happening. If possible, please also join the Admin Waiting Room voice channel in discord.
  4. If you still do not receive assistance after 15 minutes, please send all available information to and you will be assisted when someone is available.

Please note, admins are not always immediately available in game or sometimes may be addressing other business.  

For other forms of assistance (i.e. Placement of vending machines, reporting in-game bug impacting gameplay), please place your request in <discord admin assistance channel> and someone will assist you when someone is available. You are encouraged NOT to request this type of NON-KOS assistance via in-game chat to limit spam.

Note: Repeatedly spamming chat or harassing admins to obtain assistance will result in a warning and if continued, other action may be taken against you.

A troll is causing havoc on the server and there are no mods/admins online!  What can I do?

Sadly, there are limitations to the amount that can be done.  While inconvenient, the options are

  1. Disable in-game voice by reducing the volume setting in rust game audio settings (escape key – click the gear) to 0 and leverage discord for voice communications
    1. (General 1 and 2 discord voice channels are open to all)
  2. Try to ignore the troll.  Engaging the troll only gives it more reason to mess with you.  Most trolls thrive on your discomfort.

Send a message in the Discord general channel with a brief summary of the concern and if someone is available, they might be able to login to address the offender’s action.

Can I be unbanned?

Some bans may not be permanent.  You may speak with admins via the admin waiting room in discord, or e-mail the owners

Please allow up to 1 week for a reply before attempting further communication from the owners.

I’ve exhausted all options to resolve my concern with Admins and Mods, who can I escalate to?

You may email the following address to communicate with the server’s owners.

Please allow up to 1 week for a reply before attempting further communication.

Section 6:  Miscellaneous

How can I remove z-level display from in-game HUD? (Stats UI)

Type /statsui to remove the overlay in game, This can increase your FPS on some systems. (You can type this same command to bring back the UI)

Type /stats to see your levels and multiplier once the ui is removed.

How do you guys draw those awesome signs?!?

There are three ways to do this.

  • The first, (slow) way is to use the program rustangelo found on steam.
  • We also offer a tool /sil to donors as a thanks to those who support the community.  This tool is much faster and result in better image overlays onto signs/picture frames etc.
  • You may also ask a mod or a donator to paint signs for you.  Use the #sign-art channel on discord to seek assistance. (Be patient)
How do I become a donor?

You may become a donor by following this link: