Enter the No Man’s Land

Rumors have it that those who enter, are driven beyond the brink of humanity…that all there is left is a murderous husk of creature. Not only do the crazed roam the chaos land, but there is a patrol tank reigning destruction upon those brave beings seeking riches in such a forsaken land. Most disturbing of…

How to place a Quarry

Step 1: Purchase a quarry AND a survey charge.  To be able to place a quarry, you will need both a quarry and a survey charge. Without the charge, you will be unable to place the quarry. Step 2: Find a good spot to place the quarry To find the perfect location to place your…

Rules 101

To create a server like Rust Empires, we have a unique ruleset. While we have many rules, the below rules are the most basic and important rules to get you started here at Rust Empires. All players are held to our full ruleset so be sure to read them. Player Conduct We are a friendly server. Don’t…